為培養學生環保意識,推廣校內閱讀風氣,圖書館連續第三年舉辦漂書活動! 校長、全體教職員,以及同學們都十分踴躍參與,「放漂」好書,並填寫「漂書心意卡」,共享閱讀樂趣,以書會友。 |
Share your meaningful book with others! In order to develop better reading habits and connect Pooikeians through our love of books as well as the environment, this year, the library held the BookCrossing event again! Our principal, teachers, janitors and students all took part in this activity and meandered along this fun ‘journey to knowledge’ together! |
一大清早,圖書館管理員笑容可掬,正在為早會的宣傳作最後準備。 |
Our professional librarians were all ready for the promotion before the school started! |
看! 老師、同學、都很踴躍參與漂書活動! |
Wow! Many teachers and students came for book crossing! |
在「放漂」最後一日,不少同學把握最後機會,蜂擁而至,圖書館管理員都非常忙碌呢! |
Everyone was seizing the last chance to cross books on the last day of the activity. Our librarians were as busy as a bee! |
看!同學們放漂書將一個書車都擠滿了!同學們真是積極呢! |
Look at this! The books from the book-crossers soon filled up the whole bookshelf! |
在「漂書日」當天,同學埋頭尋找好書,希望他們都找到心頭好吧! |
Students immersed themselves in the quest for good books! |
李副校長也來漂書! 看他多開心! |
Mr. William Lee also came to support us. Look how happy he was!! |
同學們寫下的一張又一張「漂書心語」,全都貼在壁佈版上。 |
The board was full of heartfelt comments and touching reflections written by our student participants. |
在早會上,最踴躍參與漂書的班別及同學都獲得獎勵──同時,標誌漂書活動已圓滿結束。 |
This was a moment of triumph for the active book-crossers! The most active individual and class participants were awarded by our principal at the morning assembly. |
第三屆漂書活動 ──「漂‧遊世界」已經圓滿結束,希望明年所有老師、同學、校工都再來參加這個活動。 |
16th April marked the successful end of our Third BookCrossing Activity. We look forward to seeing the support of even more Pooikeians next year! |