SPKC held the “Admission Briefing Days” on the Saturday, 24 November 2012 and Sunday, 25 November 2012 respectively. The School was opened to the general public on these couple of days. Over 2,000 people enrolled to visit. |
Our orchestra and senior band performed in these two days which brought a warm atmosphere to the visitors. |
This year, SPKC organized the “Experiential Learning Programme”, the participated students learned with fun and experienced hours of memorable secondary school life. |
Visitors were interested in the infrastructure of the E-Campus and the various learning centres. |
The Briefing day provided an informative experience for parents with pre-S.1 students. Praise to God who has blessed us with this successful event. |
本校於二零一二年十一月二十四日(星期六)及二十五日(星期日)分別舉行了“中一入學簡介會”,並於特定時間對外開放了本校校舍,本年度俞二千人登記參與。 |
本校管弦樂團及高級管樂團特別為中一入學簡介會表演,為整個會塲帶來歡樂氣氛。 |
今年本校特別為小六學生舉行了『升中體驗日』,讓他們在歡樂的學習氣氛下親來體驗難忘的半天中學生涯。 |
來賓對於本校的電子校園及各學習中心的設備均感到十分有興趣。 |
中一入學簡介會為所有未來的中一家長提供了本校的入學資訊。感謝神在當中親自祝福,使活動能夠圓滿完成。 |
Parents enthusiastically participated in the Admission Briefing Session. |
家長踴躍出席今届的中一入學簡介會。 |
Orchestra was performing at the red brick area. |
管弦樂團在紅磚地演奏。 |
Guest was creating art works. |
來賓嘗試製作藝術作品。 |
Student ambassadors demonstrated the IS experiment. |
學生大使為來賓示範科學實驗。 |
Mr. Luke Ng was teaching in the Experiential Learning Programme. |
吳偉樂老師正在教授升中體驗課。 |
The fantastic performance by the School Choir left a lasting impression on guests |
本校合唱團在簡介會期間的精彩表演,使來賓印象深刻。 |
Ms Tse shared in the Admission Briefing Day. |
學生家長謝女士在簡介會中分享。 |
Guests showed great interest in the display models. |
來賓對展品表均感興趣。 |
Guests study in the School library. |
圖書館一角。 |
Hand Chime Class demonstration. |
手鈴班示範。 |
Student ambassador introduced the Literature in English exhibition. |
學生大使介紹英國文學展覽。 |
The musical performances by SPKC’s PTA Choir added energy and excitement to the event. |
培基家長教師會的合唱團的音樂表演使開放日氣氛生色不少。 |