於16/5(四)上午,國立臺灣師範大學圖書館館長及一班台灣圖書館教師訪問團到訪,與本校師生交流推動學校閱讀風氣之方法,以及管理圖書館資源及資訊之技巧,藉以了解港、台兩地閱讀習慣之異同。於是次交流中,我校師生得益不淺。 |
A group of Taiwan Teacher Librarians and keen educators, led by the Library Director of National Taiwan Normal University, visited SPKC Library in the morning on 16th Jun 2013, aiming at exchanging skills in the promotion of reading within schools. We shared how we utilize resources and rationales behind and we have learnt how they run reading programmes and their school libraries which shed light on how to even further our successful operation. |
有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎!培基書院師生上下歡迎來自台灣學校的圖書館參訪團。 |
Principals, teachers and student representatives are more than proud to introduce our Library to the visitors. |
袁彼得校長贈送紀念錦旗予國立臺灣師範大學圖書館陳昭珍館長,感謝對方率團蒞臨參觀及訪問。 |
Our principal, Mr. Peter Yuen (left) is presenting souvenirs to Ms. Chao-chen Chen, the Library Director from National Taiwan Normal University showing appreciation to their precious visit. |
何伊達老師為是次交流會拉開序幕,介紹本校學生一天內怎樣享用圖書館的服務。 |
Mr. Ether Ho, our teacher librarian, is providing insights on how students enjoy Library services in their school life. |
2 Faith Kitty(李逸怡)及2 Joy Kobe(梁景誠)以話劇形式,介紹本校學生一天之內,怎樣善用圖書館的資源及服務。 |
Kitty and Koby (From left to right) introduce how students in SPKC make good use of the services of the Library all day along in the format of dramatic duologue. |
2 Joy Elaine(楊漪鈴)及4 Love Noelle(雷梓欣)以話劇形式,介紹圖書館為中三學生舉辦的升學及就業講座。 |
Elaine and Noelle (From left to right) role-playing students who attend the Career Guidance Talk held by the Library. |
愛閱讀,在E-Class積累成果!圖書館學生管理員向來賓展示中英文閱讀獎勵計劃的網上紀錄步驟。 |
The love of reading is shown on eclass by book records students entered for the Chinese and English Reading Scheme. |
每一名學生都是與眾不同,而且有其獨特才能的!蕭春霖老師向來賓介紹圖書館設計活動時,怎樣配合學生的多元智能,幫助學生於活動中發揮所長。 |
Mr. Edmond Shiu is introducing how the library accommodates the needs of students with unique talents in planning and organizing activities. |
記憶遊戲樂趣多!來賓聚精匯神,試玩本年度圖書館舉辦的記憶攤位遊戲。 |
How well you memorize data? Give it a try at our Memory Skill Promotion Game Stall! |
今年,你漂了書沒有?來賓與圖書館學生管理員交流漂書及閱讀的樂趣及心得。 |
Have you joined the bookcrossing event this year? The guests are impressed of this annual occasion where everyone in SPKC share our joy of reading. |
時光荏苒,接待會結束了!一眾圖書館學生管理員恭送參訪者離開。 |
The student librarians greeting our guests before they leave with big smiles and sincere hopes of having another chance of such visits again! |
接待過後,一眾有份參與籌備的老師及圖書館學生管理員懷著輕鬆而愉快的心情一起拍照留念。 |
Student librarians who have participated in the event, overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, take pictures to signify the end of this valuable activity. |