6L Felix YIM Pak Ho was awarded “Student with outstanding performance in extra-curricular activities”


With the support of the School Servant Leader Academy and Life-wide Learning Committee, 6L Felix YIM Pak Ho was awarded “Student with outstanding performance in extra-curricular activities” by the Hong Kong Extra-curricular Activities Masters’ Association on the 20th May 2023.

These are his achievements from 2021/22 – 2022/23:
1. Outstanding CCA Award (Intellectual Development)
2. The Top 10 students award in the 34th HKSAR Outstanding Student Selection 2022
3. 18th Shatin Outstanding Student Election
4. Statistical Project Competition Champion (senior section)
5. S5 – All Round Student Award
6. 第六屆夫子盃演講比賽亞軍
7. 2022 Harvard Book Prize
8. Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships

Congratulations to Felix! May he continue to strive for excellence in and out of school.

