2023/24 S.1 Parents-child Day


In order to assist S.1 students to build a closer bond with their parents and adapt to new secondary school life together, the School and the partner Abundant Grace Church organized the S.1 Parents-child Day on 16th September, 2023.

Our Principal Mr. William Lee gave all families a warm welcome. He shared with parents that the school and the church would be a supporting partner for parents to raise our Pooikeinians.

Pooikeinians were doing exercise with their parents to have a taste of healthy lifestyle.

Mini games were designed for students and parents to cooperate and create happy memories.

Team building activities were designed for students to enhance their communication skills and provide them with a chance to deeper understand each other.

Our Former Principal, Mr. Peter Yuen introduced the support to parents from the Abundance Grace Church which has been our most loyal partner since establishment.

Sharing from Senior-Parents about how to be a good role model to children.

Families committed to work together in the coming 6 years.

“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

(Genesis 12:12)
