10th Anniversary Celebration SPKC Leader Forum Series II —Life-long Learning


The Mission of SPKC is to prepare tomorrow’s leaders with high self-esteem, love and care, globalized vision, uphold life-long learning and Christian values. As one of the highlights of SPKC’s 10th Anniversary celebrations, renowned guest speakers are invited to give a series of talks for all Pooikeians.
In October, we are honoured to have invited Dr. Philemon Choi Yuen-wan, our Special Consultant (Student Development & Parent Education) to join our Leader Forum on the topic of Life-long Learning.
Dr. Philemon Choi is the guest speaker of the workshop.
Parents responded actively in the workshop.
Mentors play an important role in the growth and development of teenagers who need genuine understanding and care. In this complicated society, our teenagers need mentors to guide them in their search for the right direction of lives. The assurance from the mentors allows them to put their potentials into full play. With an aim to nurturing our students so that they can learn more about themselves and develop a close relationship with their parents.
A parent-child workshop with the Abundant Grace Church and the Breakthrough Corporate on 18th October.
Since it is important to help students acquire self-directed learning skills, a parent-child workshop was organized with the Abundant Grace Church and the Breakthrough Corporate after the forum. The workshop aims to equip parents with the skills in helping their children develop good learning habits and positive attitude towards their studies. It was a success as nearly 300 parents and students joined the workshop.
Parents were having group discussion on the learning habits.
Students were trying hard to practise the skills in learning.
Parents raised questions about the sharing by the speaker.