通識教育科中五級班際辯論比賽的決賽於2018年4月16日舉行。辯題為「電子學習是利多於弊」。進入決賽的兩班同學(正方:愛班;反方希望班)在初賽中就「香港政府應取消旺角行人專區」激辯,成功脫穎而出。在智囊團成員及辯論員緊密協作下,正反雙方在決賽上表現突出,最後經過激戰後由愛班勝出。同時愛班第二副辯的張凱琳同學成為最佳辯論員。比賽中不但台上競爭激烈,台下的同學亦踴躍向雙方發問,面對挑戰,辯論員及智囊團須即時回應,氣氛緊湊。 |
辯論比賽的目的是加強學生分析及演說技巧,比賽前學生在中文科課堂上學習議論技巧,再配合通識教育科學習分析技巧,為比賽做好準備。比賽後更配合時事習作,鞏固所學。 |
各辯論員投入發言。 |
The debaters devoted full efforts into the debate. |
兩方主辯表現投入,功架十足。 |
The first affirmative speaker and the first negative speaker devoted themselves to the debate. |
台下同學踴躍參與問答環節,氣氛熱烈。 台下同學發問前皆準備充足。 |
Students prepared well for the questioning session and participated actively. |
台下中四及中五級同學專心聆聽,紀錄重點。 |
S4 & S5 students were attentive and took notes during the debate. |
評判梁慶樂老師頒獎予「最佳辯論員」 – 愛班張凱琳同學。 |
The adjudicator, Mr Leung Hing Lok presented the ‘Best Debater’ Prize to the winner, Cheung Hoi Lam, Hermes of 5 Love. |
評判李建鋒副校長頒獎予亞軍 – 中五希望班。 |
Another adjudicator, the Vice-principal Mr Lee Kin Fung presented the prize to the 1st runner-up, 5 Hope. |
評判李建鋒副校長頒獎予冠軍 – 中五愛班。 |
The Vice-principal, Mr Lee Kin Fung presented the prize to the champion, 5 Love. |